From here on out I am going to post more. I promise.
Obviously life is chaos just like the title of our blog.
lolI've got a few ideas forming in my head.
How many of you made New Years resolutions?
I did and I didn't. I didn't promise to lose weight or stop smoking or not drink as much Mt. Dew (I wouldn't have been able to do the Mt. Dew one at all!!).
My resolutions were more personal growth:
Run at least one 5K ---- Getting ready to do that one March 5
th. And looking toward my second one.
Help others more
often ---- This is something I am going to post more about next and want your ideas and maybe your help with.
Get myself organized ---- I'm working on this one. I've thrown a lot of paper out and I've gotten rid of some stuff. Still a long way to go.
Jeff has a possible deployment coming up and I think that with him gone that I will possibly get this one accomplished before he gets back.
I also want to learn more about my camera, cook more (learn new recipes) and I need to redesign my blog page.

Latest picture of all three kids! :)