Saturday, November 21, 2009


Going to start listing on Saturday... Seven things I accomplished in the week.
It's something that I do with a great group of girls on another site. Figured I'd bring it over to this side of things.

1. Went to see New Moon (ha ha)
2. Went to Dillon's Thanksgiving feast at school.
3. Just hid Christmas presents in the attic.
4. I have all the kids shopping done this week. Just need to find a book for Cory and stocking stuffers.
5. Did lots of laundry
6. Going to go see Planet 51 (in half an hour)
7. Cleaned the living room. Got the clutter out.

And a pic from the last week!

Friday, November 6, 2009

I am going to get better!

Jeff deployed at the beginning of the month. Ick. He'll be home sometime in February.
Cory is doing well in school. Good grades and keeping busy with Forensics and Quiz Bowl.
Dillon is really enjoying school. Being onry as ever and loved playing football.
Maddie is crawling around like crazy and pulling up. It's pretty erie.
Me, Back to school and working like crazy. Our lives are hectic but we have fun.

Now for some much needed pictures: